PM must rouse indolent nation - The Centre for Independent Studies
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PM must rouse indolent nation

After another year of political high drama, there are massive anxieties about the state of the nation.

According to progressive pundits and intellectuals, the Christchurch massacre in March points to an entrenched racism in mainstream public discourse; and our firm stance on asylum seekers shows we’re callous and inhumane in the eyes of the world. Add to this the badly damaged trust in the Church and the corporate sector, and it’s no wonder some Australians are in quite a funk.

Stand back and look at the broader direction of the nation and you reach a different conclusion. Things aren’t as bad as they’ve been made out to be. In fact, they’re pretty good.

We are a prosperous, successful and diverse nation. Life expectancy is high, unemployment is low at 5.3 per cent and inflation hovers at less than 2 per cent. The price of money has never been lower and urge to borrow never higher. This year we recorded our first budget surplus in a decade and entered our 28th year of unbroken economic growth.

Unlike Europe, there is public confidence in our border protection and immigration policies. Whenever racism rears its ugly head, our body politic treats such views with shock, distaste and censure. (Exhibit A: Fraser Anning; but there are plenty of others)

The cultural elite is easily outraged, but many ordinary people — what Scott Morrison calls “quiet Australians” — are quietly going about their lives. “They have their dreams, they have their aspiration, to get a job, to get an apprenticeship, to start a business, to meet someone amazing, to start a family, to buy a home, to work hard and provide the best you can for your kids, to save for your retirement,” the PM declared on election night.

Morrison relied on his gut instinct about middle Australia. In recent years, mainstream media and especially social media outlets have created a climate of opinion in which it’s been politically incorrect to oppose identity politics, high taxes and costly climate-mitigation policies. In the privacy of the voting booth, ‘quiet Australians’ decided their interests lay in a low-tax and resource-rich market economy.

Take climate. Sophisticates mocked Morrison for holding a lump of coal in parliament, but he resonated in energy intensive Queensland where many voters were worried about higher energy prices and lost mining jobs under Labor.

A similar dynamic played out in Britain and the US in 2016. Back then, polls pointed a Remain victory, but millions of shy Brexiteers crept into the polling booths and voted Leave. US pollsters had to deal with the ‘shy Trump’ factor. People feared admitting they’d vote for the populist because he was socially unacceptable. A popular bumper sticker read: Vote Trump. No One Will Know.

Morrison is no Donald Trump or Boris Johnson, but his success rests in part on the same force: by depicting its opponents as backward, deplorable and a self-serving throwback, the Left intimidated them into going underground, making it impossible to gauge their strength before an election.

Credit to the PM for defying the odds to win. Labor and the Left threw everything they had at him. GetUp outspent and out-ranted conservatives. Yet crucially, the folksy, rugby-league-loving, evangelical Christian won as a conservative. He did not ‘triangulate’ or hide behind a fuzzy message. He positioned himself as a patriot and ordinary bloke, betting that conservative Australia was bigger than progressive Australia.

However, Morrison surely knows that the quiet Australians’ sense of contentment and resolute optimism is based primarily on the prosperity of recent decades; but all good things come to an end.

The benign economic circumstances have induced a level of complacency that is disturbing: there might be a sudden crisis, perhaps a collapse of economic confidence coming from the US-China trade and technology war, China’s growth slowdown and the uncertainty of Brexit.

The danger is that — given the relatively stable and prosperous times — Morrison could lead a passive government.

Australia faces some important challenges, such as reversing the slipping student performances, putting public finances on a sustainable footing, embarking on further tax reform that sharpens rather than dulls incentives and preparing for the risk of a hard bursting of the housing price bubble, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne.

As a result, our political leaders and policymakers cannot afford to become complacent just because times have been relatively good. Now is the time to build on our successes and prepare for the turbulence of years to come by beating the policy reform drum again.

In time, the quiet Australians will be grateful.