Biden's first six months; Republicans, US-China & Critical Race Theory - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Biden’s first six months; Republicans, US-China & Critical Race Theory

The 2020 presidential election race was a lot closer than the pollsters had expected. Donald Trump received five million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, gaining 48 per cent of the popular vote (higher than any poll during his presidency) and broadened the Republican Party’s base. However, Joe Biden, a two-time loser in the Democratic nomination race (in 1988 and 2008) made a great political comeback to become America’s 46th president.

George addressed Joe Biden’s first six months, the post-Trump Republican party, climate change, critical race theory, the future of America’s conservative movement, and the increasingly intense US-China strategic and economic competition.

George F. Will is the Pulitzer Prize award-winning columnist for the Washington Post and a regular contributor to MSNBC. He is also author of several influential books, most recently The Conservative Sensibility.