On Liberty EP42 How an unprecedented presidency changed everything. - The Centre for Independent Studies
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On Liberty EP42 How an unprecedented presidency changed everything.

Donald Trump turned America on its head and shocked the world, taking an isolationist approach to foreign policy, shaking up global institutions and fomenting the rise of ‘fake news’. How did the reality TV star win over the hearts and minds of so many regular Americans from Ohio to Florida? And how, after four years, does he have more supporters than ever?

Three-time foreign correspondent and former ABC News US Bureau Chief, Zoe Daniel joined us to discuss her recent book Greetings from Trumpland explores how an unprecedented presidency changed everything. Through interviews with regular Americans who backed the mercurial president in mid-west America, to those who felt the wrath of his no-holds-barred presidency, this book is an inside look at the historic one-term presidency that changed the world and an insightful examination into how America, and the world, can move forward.