America in Crisis - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Friday, 5 June - Friday, 5 June 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am AEST

America in Crisis

In early February 2020, we announced plans for our annual dinner and lecture with George F. Will in Sydney. A week later, Covid-19 reached Australia and the lockdowns rolled in. Despite having to cancel George’s trip and event, his views on American politics have never been more important! We changed the subject of this event to America in Crisis, replacing the originally titled Is Capitalism in Crisis?

America’s downward spiral into acrimony and sporadic anarchy has had many causes much larger than Donald Trump. Most of the causes predate his presidency, and most will survive its January terminus. There is no such thing as rock bottom.

George F. Will is the Pulitzer Prize award-winning columnist for the Washington Post and a regular contributor to NBC News and MSNBC. Will is also author of several influential books, most recently The Conservative Sensibility. George will sit down with CIS Executive Director Tom Switzer for this online discussion and we invite you to participate in the conversation too.