Unravelling Intervention in the Wool Industry - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Unravelling Intervention in the Wool Industry

Marketing arrangements for wool have recently been under enormous strain. Both the supply of wool and the stocks held by the AustralianWool Corporation during the 1989-90 season amounted to just over one half of total output. This precipitated serious conflict between the federal government and the woolgrowers’ organizations; especially the Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, Mr John Kerin, used his powers to lower the reserve price.

In this Policy Monograph, Alistair Watson, a freelance agricultural economist and a long-standing authority on the wool industry, argues that the reserve price scheme, as well as suffering from a number of intrinsic flaws, has in recent years been transformed from a buffer stock scheme designed to stabilize price into a speculative reserve scheme implicitly pursuing a strategy of raising the long-term price of wool. The mismanagement of the scheme should prompt the wool industry to reconsider its entire institutional relationship with the government.