The Hon. Kenneth Wyatt at CIS - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Tuesday, 10 April - Tuesday, 10 April 2018
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm AEST

The Hon. Kenneth Wyatt at CIS

Improving overall indigenous health is critical for the well-being and dignity of our First Nations people – where we are failing and identifying ‘shining jewels’ of success. For far too long in Aboriginal health we’ve been piecemealing – running series upon series of programs, with inadequate accountability – and every time there’s a new issue, people say we need more money.

The solution is not simply ‘more funding’. Rather, working with every mother, father, elder, family and community to achieve better health – and by setting non-negotiable standards to be met from the ground – we can empower our First Nations people as local agents of change to truly Close the Gap.

Ken Wyatt, the Federal Member for Hasluck in Western Australia, is the first Indigenous Australian to serve as a minister in a Federal Government.

A recipient of the Order of Australia in 1996, Ken was also awarded a Centenary of Federal Medal for his efforts to improve the quality of life Indigenous Australians and mainstream Australian society in health and education.