A hard line on hem lines - The Centre for Independent Studies
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A hard line on hem lines


hockeyroosTotalitarian tyrants of tolerance have taken up the cudgels once again, determined to beat their version of ‘common sense’ into the heads of any who disagree with them.

Their latest campaign is about school uniforms for girls. “Why do we still make girls wear skirts as school uniform?” asks Queensland education academic Amanda Mergler.

Dr Mergler is worried that school skirts make it harder to do sport, restrict movement, and force girls to be aware of modesty.

Oddly, she fails realise the examples of the Hockeyroos and Diamonds contradict just about all that. Nor does she take into account that some parents prefer traditional uniforms for their girls.

Al-Faisal College in Sydney is a Muslim school with very strict uniform requirements for boys and girls. No mullets or undercuts for boys; no jewellery for girls (who must wear the hijab from Year 4).

“Faith, Knowledge, Success” is the motto of the school, which ranked 42nd in the 2016 NSW ATAR results. Not much sign of failure there. Nor do parents seem concerned about its uniform code.

Many faith-based schools impose strict uniform requirements on students, although Muslim schools are often more strict than others. But because schools such as Al-Faisal — and presumably all the Anglican, Catholic and other religious schools where skirts are worn — get support from the taxpayer, Dr Mergler wants to force them all to comply with her own theories about gender discrimination and advantage.

And she has also issued a veiled threat that if they don’t comply with the views of people like her, the schools will need to be hauled before the courts and ordered to do so.

What Dr Mergler and other self-professed experts like her fail to grasp is that for many parents, the quality of the education their kids receive at faith schools trumps all other concerns.

Set uniform standards, highly disciplined behaviour, and a strong emphasis on solid learning are the reasons parents choose such schools.  And clearly the kids do well academically at Al-Faisal College.

“Our main goal is to work towards our students becoming responsible, productive and contributing members of Australian society,” says college principal, Mrs Ghawa Khan.

But because that vision of society doesn’t match the gender-neutral, one-toilet-for-all society vision of Dr Mergler, she wants governments to crack down.

But government should stay out of such social engineering. Far from fostering fear, as Dr Mergler suggests, schools such as Al-Faisal College are using government money correctly.

And surely, when we are faced with literacy levels dropping in many Australian schools, there are more crucial things for the tyrants of tolerance to concern themselves about than skirts.

Peter Kurti is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies