Green zealots anti-Christianism - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Green zealots anti-Christianism

PK 030817Children are once again being used in an aggressive Green/Left campaign aimed at imposing a hard line secular orthodoxy, contrary to everyday customs and beliefs.

Last week, Queensland education officials proposed a policy which may prevent primary school children from talking about Jesus in the playground — or even handing out Christmas cards.

Any activity that could be considered as “evangelising” — defined by officials as “advocating religion with the object of making converts” — was to be stamped on immediately by teachers.

Meanwhile, in South Australia’s City of Marion, Greens councillors proposed changing eligibility criteria for youth development grants to exclude any group that had “an aversion to diversity”.

In this case, aversion to diversity meant objecting to the Council’s decision (voted 7 to 4) to fly the LGBTI+ rainbow flag from the council building.

Of course, it is not the churches but the Council that is clearly diversity-averse because of its determination to impose total conformity with a council decision that was not even unanimous.

The Australian Greens, in particular, is the principal political arm of what amounts to a sustained campaign to drive religion — especially Christianity — out of the public square and into silence.

The campaign now extends to attempts at withholding public funds from anyone who fails to meet this ultra-secularist orthodoxy that claims to promote “inclusiveness” and “safety”.

Far from being true secularism, this ideology is effectively a form of imposed, anti-Christianism which imputes uncharitable motives to any who dissent, attempting to deny them any standing in public life.

Inclusion and diversity of opinion are not all that’s under threat. Freedom of religion, speech, and association are all vulnerable to the ideologues who are the intolerant forces of “tolerance”.