Treat teaching as a supply-side problem - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Treat teaching as a supply-side problem

Opening up the teaching workforce, rather than tolerating anti-competitive protection of incumbents, is the way to resolve persistent shortages in the quality and quantity of Australia’s teachers.

A new discussion paper for Education Minister Alan Tudge’s Quality Initial Teacher Education Review considers how to attract more teachers and ensure they’re top class.

A persistent shortage of teachers – particularly subject area specialists, special needs practitioners, and those in hard-to-service locations – proves that rigid workforce management has blunted the responsiveness of supply to demand.

The current review comes off the back of other recent proposals that have challenged the education orthodoxy over teacher shortages. The NSW Productivity Commission recently called for wide-ranging market-based reforms to boost the supply of teachers. And NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell has proposed slashing formal training requirements for mid-career teaching aspirants.

Sensible talk of supply enhancement is a welcome rebuff of flawed narratives perpetuated by education unions.

They have long argued the chief cause of shortages is high attrition rates – resulting from workload-related burnout, insufficient pay bumps, and pressures of accountability. Their solution: paying all teachers more, putting a lid on working hours, asking fewer questions, and protecting the status quo.

This position has been propped up by spurious claims of educational dividends from rewarding teachers based on experience, extending the academic credentials for teaching, and protecting incumbents from new entrants by putting up accreditation walls.

Rather than attrition being the primary problem, it’s restrictions to enter teaching that are to blame for the teacher supply mismatch.

But the evidence favours a more competitive, flexible, and responsive teacher workforce.

Rather than attrition being the primary problem, it’s restrictions to enter teaching that are to blame for the teacher supply mismatch.

Research shows the drivers of teacher effectiveness are a combination of teachers’ cognitive ability, subject knowledge, and intrinsic motivation to teach. Years of teaching experience, time spent at university, and other credentials make little or no difference in how effective teachers are.

That’s why supporting flexible, employment-based pathways is key to reform. Those making mid-career transitions are disproportionately high academic achievers who bring with them professional subject area knowledge, and are more motivated to teach (often giving up higher salaries in industry to be at the chalkface).

Evidence shows teachers who take flexible and employment-based tracks are generally better prepared for the classroom, enjoy greater career progression, and are more likely to plug workforce needs, compared with teaching graduates who take the traditional route.

More flexible arrangements offer prospective teachers an accelerated, tailored training pathway that recognises their experience. Employment-based pathways provide on-the-job training at the expense of costly and ill-targeted formal training.

Both approaches pack a punch in lifting supply and quality, and are far quicker in addressing today’s shortages than the alternatives.

But that doesn’t mean abandoning longer-term options either. Shifting preferences of education degree enrolments and rationalising class sizes clearly offer potential as long-run solutions.

Attracting more high-achieving school-leavers to study teaching is a no-brainer. But there isn’t yet clear evidence on how to better do so – the jury is out on the effectiveness of course subsidies, fee relief, and related incentive schemes. And there’s a very long lag between shifting undergraduate enrolments and actually delivering teaching improvements in schools.

Gradual and modest increases in class sizes can ease long-term staffing needs, particularly with the support of technology. Centre for Independent Studies research shows slightly larger classes would have no adverse effect on student outcomes, but would generate considerable cost savings. In turn, that could allow for greater compensation for high-performing teachers.

The renewed efforts to address concerns over teacher quantity can build on the 2014 review’s drive to lift quality. It promoted regulating rogue universities and imposing additional accreditation hurdles for graduate teachers. While this provides a quality check on potentially poor teaching candidates, it can result in supply restrictions – which, in turn, can worsen existing shortages.

The lesson for policymakers is to ensure that efforts are directed at lifting both the quality and the quantity of our teacher workforce.

The quality of teaching is by far the greatest controllable factor explaining student achievement. At least partly, our diminished teaching profession has contributed to sliding student outcomes.

Australian student achievement in the OECD-run Program for International Student Assessment has declined more steeply and consistently than that of any other country in the world, barring Finland.

Ambitious national support to address the quality and quantity of teachers is much needed and timely. For full marks, policymakers must embrace market-based reform.