MEDIA RELEASE: CIS urges new Cabinet to tackle old problems - The Centre for Independent Studies
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MEDIA RELEASE: CIS urges new Cabinet to tackle old problems

The Centre for Independent Studies welcomes the new federal Ministers, and looks forward to them developing invigorated policy to solve long-standing issues. While there will be myriad tasks to tackle in their new portfolios, CIS believes there are some key areas that should be given high priority.


Chart a credible path to surplus by reducing wasteful spending. Re-examine all major spending programs with a view to lowering projected real spending growth year-by-year to the maximum level of 30% of GDP over the medium term.


Implement tax reform that lowers the overall tax burden and makes the tax system more conducive to economic growth.

Australia’s company tax rate is uncompetitive in our region, and becoming more so every year. In addition, bracket creep is an increasing burden on personal taxpayers. Both issues need urgent action.


Take a three-step approach to boost pensioner living standards and reduce pension spending –
include the family home in the assets test
introduce a low rate government backed reverse mortgage
deem reverse mortgage income for the pension income test.


The recent call for a national approach to child protection policy should be heeded, and COAG should be used to encourage state and territory government to implement the NSW adoption reform model.


Recast the new Child Care Subsidy to more closely resemble the model put forward by the Productivity Commission, with a tighter means test. Higher government subsidies are not the solution to fee hikes in the childcare sector — the regulatory system is.
Media Enquiries: Karla Pincott 0407 716 752