Iraq is the failure the US had to have - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Iraq is the failure the US had to have

As every schoolboy knows (just kidding), there is a useful term for a successful military engagement that is so costly that in a wider context it constitutes defeat. That term is a Pyrrhic victory. What we do not have, but need, is a phrase to describe the opposite: a defeat or failure that brings with it unanticipated benefits which outweigh the immediate setback. Until someone comes up with a better suggestion, lets just settle for “Pyrrhic defeat”.

An example of such a defeat is the Vietnam War. As an ally of the United States, Australia fought that war on the losing side, suffering casualties and internal political discord in the process. Despite strenuous efforts to prevent it, a communist regime was established by force throughout Vietnam. There is no doubt that the whole episode constituted a military failure.

But there is also no doubt that as far as Australia’s strategic interests were concerned, the situation that resulted from the war represented a huge gain. In the early 1960s, the region immediately to our north was the most unstable in the world. Historian Arthur Schlesinger jnr rightly described it as “an underdeveloped sub-continent filled with fictitious states in vague, chaotic and unpredictable ferment”. Coups, communal violence, insurrections, feeble governments and abject poverty were accepted features of regional life.

In the region’s largest country, a charismatic Soekarno was simultaneously wrecking the economy (with the inflation rate in the thousands of per cent), violently confronting the neighbouring state of Malaysia, facilitating the rise of the third-largest Communist Party in the world, and drawing closer to a China poised between the insanity of the Great Leap Forward and the lunacy of the Cultural Revolution.

Given this set of conditions, the much derided domino theory did not – and does not – seem so absurd. Had the North Vietnamese regime won a quick victory, uncontested by the US and its allies, it is likely the balance of power within the other states of the region would have changed, and the existing weak governments would have adjusted to the new reality or been replaced.

As it was, by the end of the war in Vietnam the situation was transformed. Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore had achieved political stability. The Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) had been created to promote co-operation and establish some sense of regional identity and unity. The region had drawn away from the major communist powers and closer to America. What was to be a spectacular and sustained period of economic growth had begun. From being a basket case, South-East Asia was set to become the accepted model for successful post-colonial development.

To attribute this dramatic change entirely to the Vietnam War would be an error. Other forces were certainly at work. But if the war was not in itself a sufficient condition for the changes, it was certainly a necessary one. The vast political, military, and – not least – economic input on America’s part that the war entailed played a vital role in the region’s positive transformation. It is in this sense that the Vietnam War was for Australia even more than for the United States – a Pyrrhic defeat.

Why go back over this old ground now? Because we are on the verge of witnessing another such defeat. In terms of its declared objective – the creation of a democratic Iraq – the war in that country is doomed to fail. The conditions for such a democracy simply do not exist and cannot be created any time soon. But I have now come to believe that there is a good chance that failure will be more than compensated for by the restoration of sanity to American foreign policy.

I say this as someone who has, from the outset, opposed this war as a misbegotten venture, wrongly conceived as well as incompetently implemented.

The outcome of the Iraq war will be a defeat whose good consequences will outweigh its bad ones because it will destroy illusions of omnipotence and restore a sense of limits, restraint and balance to American foreign policy – and that is essential for world order.

At the beginning of this decade such a sense was already extremely attenuated. The combination of victory in the Cold War, enormous military superiority and a huge economic surge in the 1990s seemed to indicate that whatever the indispensable nation willed was achievable. The only real restraint on America was America itself.

That restraint was effectively removed by the combination of a new president, who believed he had direct access to God, an ideologically motivated national security set-up, and the trauma of September 11, 2001. In solemn words, the US Government dedicated itself to re-creating the political world in its own image. The ignorant and the semi-sophisticated agreed that this was merely rhetoric. But it was said in deadly earnest: America intended to be a revolutionary power, and was prepared to pursue its revolutionary ends unilaterally if necessary.

Against that background, and to adapt a phrase familiar to Australian politics, perhaps Iraq has been the failure that the US had to have. A quick and easy success, had such a thing been possible, would have confirmed its worst instincts and led it further down a disastrous path. As it has turned out, it is having a salutary and relatively cheap lesson concerning the limits of its own power, the intractability of the world, and the importance of allies. In short, a lesson in the danger of hubris and the wisdom of modesty.

And what of Australia, what lesson does all this hold for us? Australia followed the US into Iraq – with no hesitation and not much deliberation. It can be argued that we had a good war: no casualties, the reward of a free-trade agreement, and much praise from Washington for being dependable. That may lead to the conclusion that we have little to learn from the experience, that we got everything right.

That would be a pity. While the American alliance is of great importance to Australia – indeed, because the alliance is so important to us – we must practise saying “No” and “We don’t agree” and “Maybe” and “It all depends” as well as “Yes”. Above all, we must do what we can to help the US learn the right lessons from its Iraq experience. To be a close and ready ally to a superpower that did not learn those lessons, that continued to hold utopian aspirations, to pursue them with force, and to feel let down by the world, would be very uncomfortable indeed.

Owen Harries, a former editor of The National Interest in Washington, DC, is a senior fellow at The Centre for Independent Studies and a visiting fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy.