Scrap LMITO and replace the cash splash with real tax reform - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Scrap LMITO and replace the cash splash with real tax reform

Australian bank notes

One problem for the 2022-23 federal budget is the fate of the $8 billion low- and middle-income tax offset (LMITO) and its relationship with economic management, deficit reduction and tax reform.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg emphasises that the offset, introduced in its current form in 2019-20, was always meant to be a temporary measure, but it has now lasted three years and he doesn’t rule out extending it again.

Electorally, it is the worst time to be ending a benefit that many voters have become used to seeing in their annual tax refunds. Although Labor says it is not wedded to extending it, the government knows the temptation would be there for the opposition to campaign on the issue and portray the termination of the offset as a tax increase for low- and middle-income earners.

Extending LMITO would be at odds with budget repair.

Putting politics aside, there is no justification for extending the LMITO to 2022-23.

It formed stage 1 of the government’s three-stage tax cuts announced in 2019. At a maximum of $1080 a year, it was designed to deliver the same dollar benefit as stage 2, but only up to a taxable income of $90,000, after which it tapers off to zero at $126,000. This capping of the benefit cut was meant to limit the cost to revenue for three years to help the budget move into surplus (now a quaint concept), with the full stage 2 tax cuts then coming into effect in 2022-23. The offset would then become redundant.

However, as a pandemic economic support measure, stage 2 was brought forward two years to 2020-21. The logic of the tax cuts would have seen LMITO eliminated then, but it was extended for another year when the government was throwing everything including the kitchen sink into the economic stimulus bucket. Those eligible for LMITO got a double tax cut in 2020-21.

Then in the 2021 budget, the government foolishly extended this double tax cut for another year. It was dressed up as an economic stimulus measure, but the LMITO had somehow become conflated with women’s economic wellbeing at a time when Prime Minister Scott Morrison was being hounded on women’s issues.

On economic management grounds, the extension of the LMITO could have been justified in the uncertain environment of 2020, but less so in 2021 and certainly not this year. Bear in mind that because of the way the offset works (being paid after the financial year to which it applies), the cash from another year’s extension would not flow into pockets until 2023-24. No case can be made now that the economy will need that stimulus in 2023-24. If economic circumstances change, alternative, faster-acting measures could be applied.

Extending the LMITO would be at odds with budget repair. Although it would have no effect on the underlying cash deficit in 2022-23 – because of the payment lag as described above – it would make the 2023-24 deficit and the level of debt some $8 billion higher than otherwise.

Finally, the LMITO has no place in rational tax reform, which should focus on the tax mix, bases and marginal rates and thresholds. In contrast, the offset is a means-tested cash splash. Because of the way it is phased in and phased out according to taxable income, it reduces the income tax disincentive effect over the phase-in range of $37,000 to $48,000 and increases the disincentive effect in the phase-out range of $90,000 to $126,000. In doing so, it adds two effective tax brackets to a scale already cluttered with other offsets and levies.

These incentive and disincentive effects are incidental to the main purpose of the offset, which is otherwise a lump sum payment that does nothing to change incentives, whereas improving incentives across the board should be the focus of tax reform.

Ideally, the forthcoming budget would not extend the LMITO and the opposition would keep quiet about it. That may be asking too much.

If it is extended again, worse can happen in public finance than a poorly designed tax cut, and the alternative might be more wasteful spending. But that is setting a low bar for our politicians.

A better alternative would be a well-designed tax cut, such as a further cut in marginal rates additional to the stage 3 cuts, combined with indexation of thresholds to eliminate future bracket creep.

Although such a package could be designed to replace the LMITO and cost the same in revenue for one year, the winners would be different and the revenue effects permanent, complicating the political sales job and the timing of budget repair.

Such dilemmas are inevitable when the need for budget repair has become so pressing. But ultimately this government or a future one will need to forge a lasting solution to the disincentive effects of our personal income tax system. Extending the LMITO for a year or forever does not answer that need.