Australia's Universities: Can They Reform? - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Australia’s Universities: Can They Reform?

The launch of Australia’s Universities: Can They Reform? (Ocean Reeve) by Author and CIS adjunct scholar Salvatore Babones. This timely new book is launched by Professor Simon Haines, CEO at the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation and moderated by CIS research fellow Glenn Fahey.

Australia’s universities are in crisis. Struck by simultaneous financial, pedagogical, and ideological challenges, Australia’s entire university system stands in desperate need of reform. But good reform requires good data, and each of the major players in Australia’s university debate has strong incentives to warp the data in its own favour.’

Australia’s Universities: Can They Reform? shows how Australian universities have systematically undercharged international students for two decades, leading to concentrations of international students that are unmatched anywhere in the world. It also exposes how China exerts undue influence over Australian universities through its ‘Thousand Talents’ research programs. At this event, we’ll be discussing ways the Australian public can rein in its unaccountable universities and expand opportunities without blowing out costs.