On Liberty EP41 The Paradox of Prosperity - The Centre for Independent Studies
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On Liberty EP41 The Paradox of Prosperity

Does prosperity depend on discipline, rational planning, and strict adherence to scientific principles? Or is it more about having an “ambidextrous frame of mind”?

Professor Peter Murphy joins us this week to discuss his book The Political Economy of Prosperity: Successful Societies and Productive Cultures. Prof. Murphy talks to us about the paradoxes that shape our daily lives. Anyone who has ever been asked to “do more with less” or engage in “creative destruction” has had to embrace paradox to promote productivity. But is it really that easy?

On Liberty host, Salvatore Babones will be asking Prof. Murphy about his uniquely metaphysical understanding of the modern economy. Why isn’t the Western Enlightenment heritage good enough to drive growth? Is irony really an important economic asset? How rare is real creativity, and where does it come from? And most importantly of all: where are we going from here?

Peter Murphy is Adjunct Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at La Trobe University and Adjunct Professor at the Cairns Institute at James Cook University.