Trump and America in Crisis - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Trump and America in Crisis

CIS Executive Director, Tom Switzer interviews George Will and asks is America in Crisis?

A leading intellectual figure in the conservative movement for the best part of half a century, George F. Will is an optimist about America’s capacity to change and renew itself. But he remains a fierce critic of Donald Trump. Presidents seeking re-election bask in chants of “Four more years!” However, as George points out, in November most Americans might flinch: “Four more years of this? The taste of ashes, metaphorical and now literal, dampens enthusiasm.”

George F. Will is the Pulitzer Prize award-winning columnist for the Washington Post and a regular contributor to MSNBC. He is also author of several influential books, most recently The Conservative Sensibility. It was a great pleasure and high honour to spend quality time with one of the great political thinkers of the modern era.