Will economic growth destroy the planet?
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Will economic growth destroy the planet?

Will economic growth destroy the planet? The debate over whether economic growth will ultimately lead to the destruction of the planet has intensified in recent years, prompting a growing movement advocating for degrowth. Environmentalists, including activists affiliated with groups like Extinction Rebellion, and certain economists, particularly those in ecological economics, are at the forefront of this call for a paradigm shift. The urgency stems from concerns about climate change, pollution, species extinction, and resource depletion, attributing these challenges to the relentless pursuit of economic growth. Proponents of degrowth propose a deliberate reduction in the scale of economies as a solution, advocating for a profound reevaluation of societal priorities and a departure from the perpetual pursuit of material wealth.

This video delves into the proposed solutions by environmentalists and economists, exploring the feasibility and potential consequences of embracing degrowth. By shedding light on alternative pathways to sustainable development, it aims to inform viewers about the intricate balance between economic prosperity and environmental preservation. Watch the video to gain insights into whether embracing degrowth is a viable strategy to prevent the planet’s demise through unchecked economic growth. Watch ‘Will economic growth destroy the planet?’ here.

climate change economic growth degrowth planet economy

“Even using the degrowth propositions to argue for slower growth is questionable. Who is to say there is an optimal or target rate of economic growth? In a free society, the rate of economic growth should be determined as the outcome of the desires and actions of individuals, taking part in an economy and society with appropriate rules and regulations, of course.” – Gene Tunny.

To learn  more about the degrowth movemet, including it’s economic implications, read Gene Tunny’s paper here.