Legacy Stories - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Legacy Stories

“When I established the CIS, it was with the intention of undertaking whatever I could to foster a better society. 

During my time as Executive Director, many important achievements were made. Yet, in a free society, the responsibility of ensuring the prosperity of future generations requires ongoing determination. Which is why I am excited Tom Switzer is my successor. As the new Executive Director his passion to continue the fight is evident.

It is my hope that a strong organisation dedicated to strengthening free choice, individual liberty, the defence of cultural  freedom and the open exchange of ideas, will be a part of my legacy for my family, friends, and country.

I hope, and am humbled, that you may consider joining me in making these principles a part of your legacy too.

Your gift – no matter how big or small – will make all the difference to the lives of future generations in keeping Australia’s prosperity alive.

Greg Lindsay, CIS Founder and Board Member