Overcoming the Odds - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Date & Time

Wednesday, 3 April - Wednesday, 3 April 2019
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm AEDT

Overcoming the Odds

Groundbreaking CIS research has identified the common policies and practices leading to success in disadvantaged primary schools.

Author former CIS Research Fellow in education Blaise Joseph, was joined by renowned Melbourne school principals Kevin Mackay from Dandenong North Primary School and Victoria Golding from Lyndale Greens Primary School, as they discussed the reasons for why some disadvantaged schools manage to ‘overcome the odds’ and achieve excellent literacy and numeracy results. Moderated by Tom Switzer, CIS Executive Director.

It is well-known that students from disadvantaged social backgrounds perform worse academically on average than more advantaged students, both in Australia and overseas. But it is possible for students from disadvantaged backgrounds to succeed at school, given the right policies and practices.

What is the secret to success? Is it really just a matter of more funding? Or are key factors like school discipline and experienced leadership more important?