Manager May or Commie Corbyn? - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Tuesday, 20 February - Tuesday, 20 February 2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm AEDT

Manager May or Commie Corbyn?

Britain’s ruling Conservative Party is falling deeper into disarray. With Brexit negotiations faltering, and against the backdrop of last year’s election disaster, there is a real danger that Prime Minister Theresa May’s days are numbered. Meanwhile, Britain’s Labour Opposition – which may be the next governing party at Westminster – is extending its march to the left.

To get an in-depth analysis of the British Conservative crisis, the rise of radical socialism, and the state of Brexit negotiations, please join Eamonn Butler in conversation with Tom Switzer at The Centre for Independent Studies.

Dr Eamonn Butler is director of the Adam Smith Institute in London. He is also the author of numerous books on legendary free-market economists Milton Friedman, F A Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and Adam Smith. Tom Switzer is Executive Director of The Centre for Independent Studies and a presenter at ABC’s Radio National.