A Tribute to the Modest Member: Bert Kelly - The Centre for Independent Studies
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A Tribute to the Modest Member: Bert Kelly

Bert Kelly was for many years a lone parliamentary campaigner for free market ideas and against protectionism. He popularised his message via his ‘The Modest Member’ newspaper column, which continued under the title of ‘The Modest Farmer’ when he retired form politics.

When Bert Kelly died on 17 January 1997 at the age of 84, it was decided that his contribution to economic understanding ought to be recognised. On 13 March a function was held in Melbourne at which the speeches collected in this volume were presented. It is testimony to the extent of Kelly’s influence that among the speakers and the audience on the night were people from both sides of politics, from the media and from business.

A Tribute to The Modest Member records the warmth and wit of Bert Kelly, and how these qualities contributed to his successful promotion of the ideas to which he devoted his public life.