Do Not Damage and Disturb: On Child Protection Failures and the Pressure on Out-of-Home Care in Australia - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Do Not Damage and Disturb: On Child Protection Failures and the Pressure on Out-of-Home Care in Australia

This monograph shows that the rising size, cost, and complexity of the out-of-home care system in Australia is directly linked to child protection failures. Children are entering care later and more damaged, and are spending longer in care due to the misguided emphasis placed on family preservation by child welfare agencies.

Dr Jeremy Sammut is a Research Fellow at The Centre for Independent Studies. He has a PhD in Australian political and social history from Monash University. He is the author of Fatally Flawed: The Child Protection Crisis in Australia (2009) and The Power and the Responsibility: Child Protection in the Post-Welfare State Era(2010).



WATCH Jeremy Sammut discuss his new report.